how to start on online business

Starting Your Online Biz

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“The more you learn the more you earn”

Warren Buffett

You have decided this is your year to start your own biz and leave that 9-5 behind. Creating your own time freedom and a source of income that you can finally do the extras with instead of just the essentials.

You don’t know where to start but you see everyone making money online you are wondering what type of skills do you really need? There are many side hustles you can work for big companies like Airlines or Disney doing customer service. Or doing things like surveys for points and gift cards, Swagbucks is the one I’m currently using and seeing rewards with. If you are looking to learn some skill that will allow you to work for yourself and start your own business, here a few of the skills you will need.

What You Need to Start?

The desire, drive and ability to endure. Becoming an entrepreneur nowadays is not such a far fetched ideas, people all over the world are turning to online business and making money some a little and some a lot. To build a thriving business there is a lot to learn, I started with a digital marketing course that laid the ground work for me, there will be lots of learning curves and many times you will most likely feel like giving up. If you can get past that the truth is the opportunity is there for you or anyone else who is willing to learn the skills to start a profitable small businesses online.

The internet has completely changed the way we conduct business, almost everyone has access to marketing platforms where millions can be reached and where ideas can be turned into reality. Whether you’re passionate about selling handmade crafts, offering freelance services, or creating digital products, the internet provides endless possibilities for monetizing your skills, knowledge, and creativity. From stay-at-home parents to aspiring artists, anyone with an internet connection and a compelling business idea can carve out their niche and build a profitable small business online.

What Are the Benefits?

The benefits of starting a small business online are many. Firstly, the barrier to entry is significantly lower compared to traditional brick-and-mortar businesses. With minimal upfront costs, entrepreneurs can set up an online presence and reach a global audience in a matter of days. The internet offers access to more potential customers than ever before and allows a businesses to target niche markets and offer target audiences exactly what they want.

There are various types of online business models, each with its unique characteristics and revenue streams. E-commerce businesses sell physical or digital products directly to consumers through online storefronts, while service-based businesses offer specialized services such as consulting, freelancing, or coaching. Digital products businesses create and sell downloadable products like ebooks, online courses, or software tools.

One of the biggest business ventures out there right now is the digital product world is PLR products, not sure what that is you can read “What are PLR Products”, if you are interested in getting started with PLR products and are looking for community support check out the PLR Project.

One of the most significant advantages of online businesses is their potential for scalability and flexibility. Unlike traditional businesses constrained by physical locations and operating hours, online businesses can scale rapidly and adapt to changing market conditions easily. You will have the flexibility to operate from anywhere in the world and leverage automation tools to run your business while vacationing or better yet while your sleeping.

Starting a small business online also comes with its set of challenges. Competition in the digital marketplace can be fierce, requiring entrepreneurs to differentiate their offerings and stand out from the crowd. Technical complexities, such as website development and online marketing, can also pose obstacles for those unfamiliar with digital technology. I faced this same challenge and overwhelm when deciding to start online then I found a digital marketing course that walked me step by step through everything I needed and honestly it lit my fire to go on and learn even more.

Where To Start

The best place to start is in educating yourself to decide if you are ready to make this commitment. I’m going to assume you are since you are here reading about how learning can help you earn more. Your next step is to decide what niche you are interested in, this will be important because you will spend lots of time researching, learning and creating content around this niche. You will also need to make sure there is a market demand for products in that niche. By targeting a specific market segment with high demand and low competition, you will be able to position yourself for success and profitability. Your strategy for identifying profitable niches will include thorough market research, competition analysis, and audience research.

Market demand is a crucial factor to consider when selecting a niche. Look for areas with significant consumer interest and unmet needs, this is where you will find the most opportunities to create products that will help you stand out against your competitors. Analyzing competition can also provide valuable insights into market dynamics and potential barriers to entry.

You have to know very clearly who you are talking to when you are trying to market your products. Audience research is essential for understanding their needs, preferences, and pain points, this will be your target audience. By identifying their desires and challenges, you can tailor your offerings to meet their needs better than your competition.

Examples of profitable online niches include fitness and wellness, personal finance and digital marketing. Successful businesses in these niches have found the best way to market to the type of consumer who wants these products and in doing so have made a lot of money for themselves.

Establishing An Online Presence

Creating a strong online presence is going to be a vital part of the success of any small business venture. Here are some key tips and strategies to help you establish an online presence and attract followers and customers:

Creating A Website: Depending on what you business you are want to start you might to create your own website or E-commerce Store: Invest in a well-designed website or e-commerce platform that showcases your products or services in a clear and concise manner. Make sure that your website is mobile-friendly, easy to navigate, and ready to make sales. If the idea of a website is overwhelming there are other ways to sell things like digital products on already existing sites.

Depending on what you want to sell or promote you could possible use a landing page or set up an account to sell on Etsy (you can sell things that you make or design) or Gumroad (mainly for digital products) with those to site you just make an account and start posting. They do charge fees when you sell your products.

If you want to just set up landing pages I recommend you can start for free and it is very user friendly. I learned how to use in this digital marketing course along with many other things to build my online biz. Landing pages can be used for selling your products or promoting affiliate links.

Develop a Compelling Brand Identity and Messaging: Define your brand identity, including your brand values, personality, and unique selling proposition. This is very important on social media sites such as Instagram there is a lot of pages wanting attention and to stand out you will need a strong brand identity my Social Media Success Guide can help you in developing that.

Drive Traffic to Your Website: Whether you are using a website or social media sites you will need to get eyes on your content there are many ways to this but one of the main ways is SEO. Implementing search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your contents visibility is something that is important to gain attention for your business. Create high-quality content that educates and engages your audience, and share it on social media platforms to expand your reach. As you become more familiar with social media you will want to consider investing in paid advertising campaigns to reach a broader audience and drive targeted traffic to your website. Paid advertisement is only recommended after you have established your own organic traffic and have a better idea of what your target audience wants and needs.

These tips and strategies, are part of the foundation for building a strong online presence and attracting customers.

Developing Products or Services

Next is a focus on creating high-quality products or services tailored to your audience’s needs. After conducting your market research to understand the pain points and preferences of your target market you will want to create your products or services. When pricing your offerings, consider your production costs, competitor pricing, and perceived value to ensure competitiveness and profitability.

You will also need to decide how your products and or services will be packaged and/or delivered efficiently, providing a seamless experience for customers. By prioritizing quality, pricing strategically, and optimizing delivery methods, you can build a foundation for a profitable small business online that will give you repeated customers consistently.

Setting Up Operations and Infrastructure

Tools and Software: Invest in tools that act as assistants for you and will help you build your business, this is called automation. For example I use Flodesk to send email sequences, when some one opts in to receiving emails from me Flodesk will continue to send that person emails that I have set up so that I am still giving value and keeping in contact with that person.

I also use Manychat on social media, Instagram, to send messages if I post on Instagram and tell someone to comment freebie or some other trigger words Manychat will send them an automated message sending them to a landing page to grab their email so they can receive their freebie or whichever info I am talking about in my targeted content.

This also includes website builders like WordPress or Shopify, e-commerce platforms such as WooCommerce or BigCommere. If you choose to build a website keep in mind this would be like having your store open 24/7 an employee that never sleeps. There is real value in having your own website and is something to consider when you are ready to make that commitment.

Processes: Streamline order fulfillment, customer support, and inventory management processes to ensure smooth operations. Use customer relationship management (CRM) software to track customer interactions and manage inquiries effectively.

Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Which ever venture you choose make sure you are using disclaimers, privacy pages and terms & conditions on your websites and anything else you are emailing out. Check rules and regulations in your country to maintain compliance with legal and regulatory requirements. You could also consider consulting with legal professionals to understand your obligations and take the necessary steps to protect your business and customers’ sensitive information.

Setting up operations and infrastructure, will add validity to your business, give you confidence that you are protected and position you for success as you navigate the digital marketing world.

Marketing and Promotion Strategies

Effective marketing and promotion are essential for driving traffic and sales to your online business. Here are some key strategies to help you succeed:

Using multiple Marketing Channels: The future goal should be to use as many platforms as you can to get exposure for your business. But there should be a method to the madness. Start with whichever social media you are most familiar with and if you are familiar with none than start with one first learn the ins and outs and then move on to the next one. When I first started I felt overwhelmed with all of the social media platforms in the digital marketing course that I took there is an introduction to the most popular platforms and how to get started on each of them. Explore the different marketing channels but which ever one you choose make sure first and foremost you are building your email list, also talked about in this digital marketing course, that should be your number 1 priority over followers and subscribers. Remember you don’t own any social media platform it can be shut down or worse you could get frozen out of your account resulting in a loss of a way for you to reach out to your audience, if you have an email list, which is something you own, this can not happen. Each channel offers unique opportunities for engagement and customer acquisition so no one is better to start over the other. Choose the one you feel comfortable with.

Create Engaging Content: Develop high-quality, relevant content that resonates with your audience and showcases your brand’s value proposition. If you are not sure what engaging content is check out my Social Media Success Bundle it has Call to Actions, hooks that get readers attention and much more to help you build and attract your ideal customer. Whether it’s blog posts, videos, or social media posts, aim to provide valuable information and solutions to your audience’s needs.

Measure and Optimize: Tracking the performance of your marketing efforts using analytics tools and metrics such as website traffic, conversion rates, and customer engagement. Use this information to see what your audience is responding to and then create more of it that is really the key to growing give your audience what they want to keep them coming back for more. The only way to know what they want is if you are tracking the numbers and the results from your marketing efforts.

Marketing and promoting your business is such a huge part of your business and it is something that most people do not expect to be in charge of especially if you have worked a job before. In a job the company gets the customers you serve or sell to them and get a check. Being an entrepreneur you are everything creator, director, CEO, marketing and analyst specialist and you got to get your own coffee. It isn’t easy but once you get the hang of it, doing the work is like any other job you have had you know what to do and you get to it.

Customer Acquisition and Retention

Customer acquisition and retention are vital for the long-term success of any online business. Here are essential strategies to attract and retain customers:

Attracting New Customers: Use digital marketing tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media advertising, and content marketing to reach potential customers. Offer incentives such as discounts or freebies to get subscribers on your email list so that you can build a trusting relationship with them.

Providing Exceptional Customer Service: Deliver exceptional customer service by responding promptly to emails, answering questions, addressing concerns, and resolving any issues. Make sure to answer back any social media comments to let others know you are a real person and you value your customers and their comments. This will help in building your loyal following and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Build Long-Term Relationships: Maintain trust and loyalty by having regular communication with customers through email marketing, newsletters, and loyalty programs. Offer exclusive promotions or rewards to repeat purchases and keep customers engaged with your brand with things like polls, surveys and free value driven events.

Gathering Feedback and Continuous Improvement: This is another place data comes in handy actively solicit feedback from customers through surveys, reviews, and social media interactions. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and tweak your products or services based on what your customer say.

These tips will help in acquiring new customers, cultivating long-term relationships, and driving growth for a long term online business.

Strategies for Scaling and Growth

Scaling your online business and increasing revenue requires careful planning and execution. Here are key strategies to help you achieve sustainable growth:

Expand Product Offerings: Diversify your product offerings to appeal to a broader audience and meet evolving customer needs. Consider introducing complementary products or expanding into related niches to maximize revenue potential.

Enter New Markets: Explore opportunities to enter new markets. When you are at the stage of scaling you will know your audience pretty well. Ask yourself what other products would they like even if it isn’t exactly what your offering now is it something that would speak to your audience. Conduct market research to identify what these possible opportunities could be. When you have a loyal audience that you are interacting with regularly not only do you get to know them but you can ask and they will tell what other products and services they want. And guess what? Because they know like and trust you they want to get that product or service form you.

Diversify Revenue Streams: Reduce dependency on a single source of revenue by diversifying your income streams. Consider offering subscription services, affiliate partnerships, or digital downloads to supplement product sales and increase revenue diversity.

Adapt & Change When Needed: Stay informed about market trends, consumer behavior, and industry developments to adapt your strategies accordingly. Be willing to pivot and experiment with new approaches to stay ahead of the competition and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

By implementing these strategies and staying flexible in your approach, you can scale your online business effectively, increase revenue, and achieve long-term success in the competitive digital marketing world.