learn about high income skills and how you can make money online

8 High Income Skills That Can Make You Rich

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High income skills are a set of skills that have a higher earning potential in the job market as of today, meaning you earn more than the average pay when you are using these skills. These skills are high in demand and you can be learning and using them to generate more income whether that is through employment, freelancing, or entrepreneurship.

Examples of high income skills include digital marketing, copywriting, video editing, sales, web design, affiliate marketing and content creation.

Because of the ever changing job market and advances in technology acquiring high income skills is a must for anyone looking to thrive and prosper professionally.  These skills give you the ability to not only stay relevant in the job market, but as the cost of everything keeps rising you will have the ability to do freelancing work for extra income. 

An added benefit to high income skills is that it gives you greater flexibility to change careers if you needed or wanted to. You do not have to worry if something happens to your job that you will be without an income.

When you have some or most of these high income skills you have more options such as pursuing freelance work, consulting opportunities, or even starting your own businesses. This flexibility not only allows for greater control over your career path but also opens up avenues for increased earning potential and financial independence.

How Can I Develop These Skills

By investing in yourself, taking courses and practicing what you are learning. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources available for acquiring these valuable skills:


One of the most accessible and flexible ways to learn high income skills is through self-education. Online courses, books, tutorials, and resources such as Youtube, covering a wide range of topics such as digital marketing, coding, copywriting, and more. Platforms like Udemy, Coursera, and Skillshare offer affordable and comprehensive courses taught by industry experts, allowing individuals to learn at their own pace and convenience.

Formal Education

Another option for learning high income skills is through formal education programs, such as vocational training or specialized courses offered by colleges and universities. These programs provide structured curriculum and hands-on training in specific skill areas, often leading to certifications or degrees that enhance credibility and employability in the job market.

Mentorship and Hands-On Experience

Mentorship and hands-on experience play a crucial role in mastering high income skills. Seek out experienced professionals in your chosen field and learn from their expertise through mentorship programs, networking events, or industry associations. Additionally, internships or apprenticeships offer valuable opportunities to gain practical experience and apply theoretical knowledge in real-world settings, accelerating the learning process and building essential skills for success.

No matter how you decide to learn you will need consistency, dedication, and continuous practice are key to mastering high income skills. Embrace a growth mindset, be open to feedback, and continuously seek opportunities for growth and development. 

By investing in your skill development and staying committed to lifelong learning, you can unlock new career opportunities, increase your earning potential, and achieve your professional goals in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Why You Need These Skills Now

The world is changing. It is difficult to keep up with all the new technology and advances in, well everything.  That’s why learning high income skills has become more crucial than ever. Here’s why you need to prioritize acquiring these skills now:

Changing Landscape of Work

The traditional employment model is shifting, with the rise of remote work and freelance opportunities transforming the way we work. High income skills enable you to capitalize on these changes by offering the flexibility to work from anywhere and serve clients globally. With the increasing demand for digital expertise in fields such as marketing, programming, and design, learning high income skills now positions you to thrive in the growing remote work economy.

Economic Uncertainty and Diversified Income Streams

Economic uncertainty has become a reality for many, making it, unfortunately, a must to have diversified income streams. High income skills provide you with the ability to generate income outside of traditional employment, offering a safety net during challenging times. Whether it’s freelancing, consulting, or starting a side business, acquiring high income skills allows you to create multiple sources of income and protect yourself against financial instability and job loss.

Personal and Professional Growth Opportunities

Acquiring high income skills isn’t just about financial gain; it’s also about personal and professional growth. Learning new skills challenges you to step out of your comfort zone, expand your knowledge, and develop valuable expertise that can propel your career forward. Additionally, mastering high income skills opens up opportunities for advancement, whether it’s securing higher-paying jobs, launching your own business, or achieving greater recognition and influence in your field.

Learning high income skills now is essential for navigating the changing landscape of work, safeguarding against economic uncertainty, and unlocking personal and professional growth opportunities.

By investing in skill development and staying ahead of industry trends, you can position yourself for success in today’s dynamic and competitive job market.

Skills to Learn NOW


Budgeting I know you are wondering what the heck budgeting is doing on the high income skills list. For starters budgeting is a skill in controlling where your money goes and what it does, as you make more money knowing what to do with it really begins with budgeting basics

Budgeting also relieves stress on your mind to allow you the energy and mind power to focus on new skills. 

Also if you don’t learn to budget you won’t have the extra money to invest in tools and education that you will need for your business or to continue growing your skill set.

Video Editing

There are a variety of free resources and tutorials (Youtube) are available to help you get started with video editing, including Noble’s Video Editing and Motion Graphics playlist. Adobe and Apple offer free trials of their respective video editing software, Adobe Premiere Pro and Final Cut Pro.

Pick a popular video editing software, check reviews  and go through their built-in tutorial so you have a grasp on how the interface works. From there, an external course or two can help you to better comprehend the basics, such as organizing footage, color correcting, cuts and transitions, and refining audio elements.

Learning AI

Don’t get me started on the possibilities with AI it is pretty much endless from a program that writes ebooks for you, to AI videos, to helping you write content for social media.  Conquering AI tools can and will b e one of your highest earning income skills for a long while.

Web design

This can be a challenging skill to learn but very worth mastering. Designing a web page can be for selling your products, hosting your blog and many other things.  This skill will help you build your own business and the better you become at it you can even design and sell websites to others there are many ways to create incomes with this skill.

There are full courses available on Youtube from different creators. 

 Sales Funnels

Maybe you’re not ready to go all out for a website that is okay! There is another way with sales funnels.  Sales funnels are easy to design and can create you lots of money as well selling your products, promoting affiliate links or creating an email list.  

I started using Systeme.io this year for all my sales funnels, it is very easy to design and customize your funnels. 

Sales funnels have always been a scary word for me. I even bought a very expensive course to learn how to create them and got so frustrated and was so unhappy with what I created I stopped working on building sales funnels for a while. 

Then I found a course that changed everything for me and really started my digital marketing journey.  I took the course Road Map To Riches, after that course I was creating multiple funnels with ease, selling products, branding myself and creating digital products to sell.  The Roadmap to Riches course is really a great way to start on your digital marketing journey, especially if you are a beginner.

Sales Marketing 

Did you roll your eyes or say ick?  Like it or not sales is a part of every business without it there is no business. Solving someone’s problem by giving them access to your product is far from ick.  Sales really is supposed to be about solving problems, not getting people to buy things they don’t need, and you being compensated for your time and energy.  

Sales has become a more complicated skill because people are more aware of others constantly trying to sell to them.  In order to get through the thick layer most people have when it comes to buying new products you have to have timing, transparency and the ability to listen to the problem that people are not willing to share. 

There are many mentors in the field if you want to learn more you can always read The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy.

Content Creation 

One of the best and most cost effective ways to reach audiences nowadays is social media. Even if you only choose one social media platform to master the potential to earn money online and expose your product or services to thousands of people is great.

However you can not just go on social media and start spamming your products and services with no marketing strategy and no plan.  Social media can be a challenging space and a waste of time if you don’t market your business the right way.  

The right way is offering lots of value to your potential customers, showing them that you are someone to be trusted and that you are a valid source of information and help that can solve their problems. My Social Media Success Guide can help you find your voice in the online space and show you how to make post that will attract your ideal customers to make more sales.  

Digital Marketing 

Digital Marketing involves many different skills including SEO, copywriting, email marketing, branding, niching and creating a strategy for content creation and much more in the online space.  

Don’t stress yourself out and think that you need to know all of these skills all at once. Start with learning the basics of one or two of these skills then as you feel comfortable add in another one.  One of my best resources to that helped me get over my fear and move forward was a the Roadmap to Riches course it covers all these subjects and more. 

Learning digital marketing skills is essential for securing high income opportunities in today’s digitally charged economy.

Affiliate marketing

The cherry on top! Affiliate marketing is a bonus really for the efforts you are already putting into creating content, writing blogs and selling products. 

Affiliate marketing is putting links to products, services and tools that you are already using and receiving a commission for it.  

Why You Need to Start Learning Today

High income skills are indispensable assets in today’s rapidly changing economy, offering you the opportunity to thrive professionally, financially, and personally. As the traditional employment landscape evolves and remote work becomes increasingly prevalent, the ability to leverage high income skills provides a pathway to flexibility, autonomy, and unlimited earning potential. 

With economic uncertainty, having different income streams that you can attain by having high income skills offer a sense of stability and resilience, empowering you to navigate challenging times with confidence.

Beyond financial gain, acquiring high income skills fosters personal and professional growth, challenging you to continuously expand your knowledge and expertise. Whether it’s through self-education, formal training, or hands-on experience, investing in skill development opens up endless possibilities for advancement and fulfillment in your career journey.

Time to embark on a journey towards lasting success and prosperity.

High Income Skills & Entrepreneurship

By leveraging high income skills you are able to create extra income outside of your job, or maybe start your own business. 

Benefits of Entrepreneurship

Entrepreneurship allows you to capitalize on your high income skills and create a business that aligns with your passions and expertise. By starting a business, you can enjoy greater flexibility in your schedule and control over your career trajectory. Additionally, entrepreneurship offers the potential for unlimited income growth and financial independence, as well as the opportunity to build equity and assets over time.

Business Ideas and Opportunities

There are various business ideas and opportunities based on high income skills that you can explore after you discover what you enjoy doing and what you are good at. 

Freelancing offers the flexibility to work independently and provide services such as digital marketing, copywriting, graphic design, or web development on a project basis. 

Consulting provides the opportunity to offer expert advice and guidance to clients in areas such as business strategy, marketing, or finance. 

Agency services involve building a team of specialists to provide comprehensive solutions to clients in areas like digital marketing, branding, or technology.

Other opportunities include creating online courses or digital products, launching a niche e-commerce business, or starting a coaching or mentoring program based on specialized expertise.

Tips for Launching and Scaling a Business

When launching a business using high income skills, it’s essential to start with a clear vision and strategic plan. Identify your target market, niche, and unique value proposition to differentiate yourself from competitors. 

Building your brand and online presence can be challenging if you want to get off on the right foot immediately, look into the Roadmap to Riches course which covers niching, branding, social media, email marketing funnels and more. 

Focus on delivering exceptional value and results to your clients to build trust and credibility. As your business grows, consider scaling by outsourcing tasks, expanding your service offerings, or diversifying into new markets or industries. 

Continuously invest in your skills and knowledge to stay ahead of industry trends and maintain your competitive edge in the marketplace. With determination, perseverance, and a strategic approach, launching and scaling a business using high income skills can lead to long-term success and fulfillment as an entrepreneur.

MONEY MONEY Earning Potential

Your earning potential varies depending on factors such as the niche you choose to market to, the demand for the products you offer, and industry trends. 

The potential earnings with high income skills

In digital marketing, for example, professionals skilled in areas such as search engine optimization (SEO), marketing, advertising, and social media marketing can command high salaries or hourly rates, especially with experience and proven results. 

Copywriters, web developers, and even funnel builders earn good incomes due to the demand for their specialized skills. 

Sales professionals, particularly those in industries like real estate or finance, have the potential to earn significant commissions based on their performance.

Digital marketers who excel in generating leads and driving conversions for clients can earn six-figure incomes as consultants or agency owners. Successful copywriters and content creators may command high rates for their services, earning substantial incomes from freelance projects or retainer contracts. 

Overall, high income skills offer the opportunity to achieve financial success and stability by using expertise and meeting the demands of today’s competitive job market. With dedication, continuous learning, and strategic career planning, you can unlock your full earning potential and achieve your financial goals.